
Development Centered,
Production Grade.

SubKube is managed kubernetes for the masses.
Get started in 30 seconds, scale endlessly.

Real Managed Kubernetes

As someone working with code and applications, you might be interested in running one or two (or many) workloads in Kubernetes, but not enough to run an entire cluster, or you simply don't have the time / resources / experience required.

That's why we built Subkube.

Pay only for the resources you need, without the overhead of managing workers and maintaining a control plane.

Secure by Design

Restricted as Standard

Due to the shared nature of Subkube, isolation is of the utmost importance. As such, all Subkube workloads have a proper security context set, so no need to worry about rogue containers.

Highly Flexible Storage

Ceph-based storage using Rook

Various storage classes are available to suit every application's storage needs.

Simple but Powerful HTTP(S) Ingress

Built on NGINX, using Let's Encrypt SSL certificates

Use our NGINX Ingress Controller to expose your services to the world, using a free domain name on us. You can easily use any domain you own as well, off course.

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Finance Friendly

Project-based Workflow

Projects allow full developer freedom while keeping costs under control


Different Hardware for Different Workloads
Coming Soon

Adjust Anytime

No long term commitments, adjust resources anytime

Developer Friendly

> subctl login
Your Subkube username: testuser
Your Subkube password: ***************
INFO: Login Succesfull
> subctl create project demo
INFO: Project 'demo' created
> subctl set project demo --limit-cpu=500m --limit-memory=100Mi --limit-storage=10Gi
INFO: Project 'demo' resource limits updated
> subctl create namespace demo-ns --project demo
INFO: Namespace 'demo-ns' created
> subctl use project demo
INFO: Kubeconfig updated for project 'demo'
> kubectl get pods -n demo
NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
app-c585d6d7b-snf24   1/1     Running   0          3d19h
db-77fb5d4c66-stbcv   1/1     Running   0          3d19h
web-fdb66986c-6d27b   1/1     Running   3          3d19h

Kubernetes API Access

Direct Access to the Kubernetes API through kubectl or any other tool


Use our command line tool subctl to manage your environment

Web based interactive terminal

Run kubectl commands and entire helm installs from our integrated in-browser shell environment

Subscribe to be an early adaptor

Use Cases

Private Server

Use subkube to run your (small) private workloads like media servers, file servers and even home automation systems, safely and securely in our cloud.

Small Business

Run your own file, email or database server, website and CRM system, all in one place, which scales as your company does.

App Development

Working on an idea? Need a place to host your proof-of-concept app, which scales with your Project? Subkube is an ideal solution for projects which require flexibility without overhead.

Game Server

From Minecraft to Traffic Tycoon, on Subkube you're up and running in no time. As you can scale your server at any time, you and your friends never have to experience slow response times again!


example monthly costs shown
actual costs are calculated hourly




more tiers coming soon


€ 10


€ 5




more tiers coming soon


€ 0,15

Coming Soon

€ 0,15

Subscribe to be an early adaptor

a Stud I/O product